Quality Promise

Our Quality Promise

Quality has been of central strategic importance since our formation in 1998.

The continuous improvement of software development and systems engineering processes has allowed us to reach outstanding, internationally-recognised standards in organisational and process maturity.

Quality is embedded in our attitudes, in the way we work, in our software development processes and in our methodologies.

Quality is embedded deep within our values and culture, providing a key framework for us to operate systematically, confidently and efficiently.

Our Integrated Management System (IMS) is certified according to CMMI-DEV Maturity Level 5, ISO 27001, ISO 9001, EN 9100 and NATO AQAP 2210 & 2310 standards.

We were selected by the European Space Agency to be pilot pioneers for SPiCE 4 Space (S4S) based on ISO 15504 – Process Assessment, and we're a review committee member of the ESA-ECSS standards (e.g. IV&V).

Quality in practice

Happy clients with happy solutions

We’ve achieved an average customer satisfaction score of 8.91, across 329 projects, over the last 5 years (2020-2024).
Highly recommended!
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is becoming the industry benchmark for measuring customer loyalty, and we achieved an NPS of 85 in 2024 – achieving a best-in-class ranking for the technology and software industry. To put this score in perspective, the industry average is 40. Scores can range from -100 to +100.
A long-term commitment! 
Our Quality Management System is regularly audited to ensure compliance with national and international regulations, including ISO 27001, EN 9100, ISO 9001, CMMI-DEV L5 and NATO AQAP 2210/2310.

Certifications & standards

We operate according to the highest industry and regulatory standards, with trust and integrity central to everything we do and deliver. 

CMMI-DEV Level 5
ISO/IEC 27001:2013
EN ISO 9001:2015
NATO AQAP 2310 and AQAP 2210
EN 9100:2018
ISO 13485:2016
Cyber Essentials Plus
We commit ourselves to producing the very best software on Earth and beyond, delivering real business value to our customers and partners.

"We engineer trusted and transformative technologies, embracing agility and innovation to build a better and safer world: for our clients, our people, and the community around us."

José Costa
Quality Director

Our statement

First-class, award-winning software.

We commit ourselves to producing the very best software on Earth and beyond. We listen to what our customers need and deliver world-class solutions that tackle the big challenges. 

How do we achieve this?

We believe quality is important.

We want to be known globally for our technical excellence and innovation, as well as our capacity to deliver for our customers both now and in the future.


We establish the right working mindset and use appropriate processes, tools and technologies to ensure that we always achieve and exceed the highest standards.


We create high-performance software and systems that are secure, reliable and a pleasure to use.


We respond quickly and efficiently - with agility - meeting customer demands and guaranteeing the highest quality outcomes.


We focus on adding value to our customers – satisfaction is not just hoped for, it’s mandated.


We continually search for ways to improve our performance and how we work.


We align ourselves with high ethical standards and conform to all industry regulations – we don’t take shortcuts and we look to go beyond requirements.


We care about our people and help them to grow their skills so that they can enjoy what they do – which means they are engaged and want to do their best. 


We care about the safety of the software and systems we build. We have firmly established criteria for risk acceptability that conform to national and international regulations, state-of-the-art industry standards and wider stakeholder concerns.

Our Whistleblowing Service

Trust is at the heart of Critical Software. We pride ourselves not just on what we do, but how we do it. We set high standards for transparency, integrity, ethics, safety and wellbeing, as described in our Code of Conduct.

Our whistleblowing service provides a way to contact the Critical Ombudsperson to report any serious concerns of misconduct that should be prevented or corrected. You can raise any concerns securely and anonymously using the service: https://report.whistleb.com/en/criticalsoftware.

The platform is managed by a third-party, WhistleB. For FAQs on the platform and how to use it, click here.