
Everything You Wanted to Know About UxD for Critical Systems

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Every day, you’re likely to be subject to hundreds of user experiences. Perhaps you drive a car to work, or turn on a computer when you arrive, or use appliances when you return home at the end of the day: these experiences that surround you are deliberately designed with you in mind.  

User experience design (UxD) concerns itself with making sure these experiences are positive and useful. But UxD is not just a matter of pretty screens and nice user interfaces. Good design has to account for human psychology, business goals and the real world that user experiences actually take place in. It has to systematically test assumptions about design rather than take them for granted. And in some industries that we might call “critical” this is even more important, as good UxD can be the difference between life and death. 

Our free pocket guide introduces the topic of UxD and explains how to make a success of it. It also explores the consequences of tragic design and why, in certain industries, it’s crucial to get UxD right to avoid unforeseen, catastrophic consequences. 

everything you wanted to know about uxd guidebook