
Setting the Stage for Success: The Key for Effective Projects

July 3, 2023

When embarking on a new project, whether it's exploring uncharted territory or optimising existing processes, it is crucial to set the stage for success. Don't miss these tips from our Ecommerce Principal Engineer, Paulo Ferro, who will open the doors to Critical’s one-stop shop methodology.

Six people shaking hands showing collaboration

When a company experiences huge growth or the need to go fully digital quickly, the pressure to facilitate that need is urgent and overwhelming. One-stop shops are the real deal, offering a set of services, tools, and teams, which means you no longer need to divide your resources to find individual companies to meet your needs. But if you're committed to offer a holistic experience to your customers, what should you focus on first?

Setting the stage is a crucial step that serves as a foundation for whatever we’re starting to work on. Aligning the vision, objectives, and high-level definitions - it helps the teams by providing a clear direction, defining the customer journey, identifying potential future requirements, and assembling a capable team to embrace a new challenge.  

In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of assembling this first phase and its key components that pave the way for a tailored and effective approach to clients and projects: 

  • Alignment of vision, objectives and definitions  
  • Costumer journey and target audience  
  • Process improvement  
  • Anticipating new demands and requirements 
  • How to build a skilled team  

'When setting the stage, we are defining the specifically tailored basis that will guide us throughout the rest of the project in the most effective way.’ says Paulo Ferro, Principal Engineer for the Ecommerce and Retail industry.  

But how does each key component work? How do they make a difference? Do they determine the success of your work? Let’s find out.  

Alignment of Vision, Objectives, and Definitions 

At the heart of the ‘Set the Stage’ phase lies the need for clarity and alignment. It is essential to establish a shared understanding among stakeholders regarding the project's vision, objectives, and high-level definitions.  

By defining the goals and purpose of the project, everyone involved can work towards a common goal, ensuring that efforts are cohesive and focused.  

Customer Journey and Target Audience 

In this phase, a deliberate effort is made to build or revisit the customer journey, particularly in the context of a new channel or target audience. Understanding the needs, preferences, and expectations of the target audience is paramount in designing an exceptional customer experience. By mapping out the customer journey, organisations can identify touchpoints, pain points, and opportunities for better engagement, leading to more effective strategies and higher customer satisfaction. 

Process Improvement 

The ‘Set the Stage’ phase also entails a critical evaluation of existing processes. By revisiting and analysing these processes, organisations can identify areas for improvement and increased efficiency.  

This step allows for streamlining operations, reducing bottlenecks, and optimising workflows. It’s proven that the more you leverage best practices and eliminate inefficiencies, the greater the chance your projects will be set on a trajectory for success. 

Anticipating New Demands and Requirements 

Change is inevitable, and the ‘Set the Stage’ phase acknowledges that new demands, wishes, and specific requirements may emerge during the project's lifespan. By proactively anticipating these future needs, organisations can stay agile and adaptable. This involves continuous monitoring, feedback loops, and a commitment to staying informed about market trends and evolving customer expectations – or as we like to call it, ‘the importance of project scope management’. 

By staying ahead of the curve, projects can navigate challenges and seize opportunities as they arise. 

Building a Skilled Team 

Once these criteria have been set out, we’re able to move on to a more tailored approach when we assemble a team of professionals with the necessary skills for your project.  

No project can thrive without a skilled and capable team. This diverse team brings a range of perspectives, knowledge, and experiences to the table, ensuring comprehensive problem-solving and innovative solutions. By carefully selecting team members, organisations can leverage their strengths and address any specific challenges identified during the ‘Set the Stage’ phase. 

‘Successful projects start with setting the stage right. So, invest time and effort into this phase to pave the way for a remarkable journey towards achieving your goals. It will make a difference.’ concludes Paulo.  

Free Guidebook for Next Steps  


Just as one-stop shops revolutionise the way businesses operate by providing comprehensive solutions, the ‘Set the Stage’ phase acts as the ultimate game-changer, enabling organisations to navigate new channels, target untapped audiences, and optimise their operations. 

By aligning the vision, defining the customer journey, improving processes, anticipating future needs, and building a skilled team, organisations position themselves for effective execution and desired outcomes. This phase sets the groundwork for a tailored approach that evolves with the project, ensuring adaptability, efficiency, and customer-centricity. 

If you ticked all the boxes, you’re probably ready to take your project to the next stage. Don't miss the other important points in our latest guidebook 'Your One-Stop Shop Guide to Digital Commerce'. Download it free here to keep up to date with all the tips from our expert team.