
File Alive! Critical Software Secures CMMI Maturity Level 5 Rating

July 10, 2019

Critical Software is pleased to announce that it has once more been appraised at CMMI maturity level 5 – the highest possible level.

CMMI Maturity Level 5 Rating

CMMI - or Capability Maturity Model Integration - is one the world’s most recognised benchmarks for an organisation’s process maturity and performance. Maturity level 5 demonstrates that Critical is performing at an ‘optimising’ level. This means that it is able to continually improve its processes based on a sophisticated understanding of business objectives and performance needs.

Critical Software was the first company in Portugal to be appraised at CMMI maturity level 5 and belongs to an exclusive group of only a few hundred organisations worldwide rated at this standard.

Délio Almeida, Quality Director at Critical Software, said: “Being a CMMI maturity level 5 organisation is the highest form of third-party validation, proving the quality and maturity of our business models and processes. This rating recognises our collective dedication to continuous improvement and to producing outstanding work that makes a real difference to our clients.”

The CMMI Institute is committed to elevating organisational performance through best-in-class solutions to real-world challenges. Its business models are used in thousands of organisations worldwide to deliver results that serve as key differentiators across global markets.
