
Critical Software Publishes Customer Satisfaction Results for 2018

June 19, 2019

Critical Software has announced its customer satisfaction results for 2018, achieving a score of 8.7/10 on average, the company’s strongest performance to date.

Customer Satisfaction Results For 2018

Critical Software has announced its customer satisfaction results for 2018, achieving a score of 8.7/10 on average, the company’s strongest performance to date.

Critical Software asks customers to provide feedback and score its performance after every project it completes. Taking all of the responses from 70 of these projects in 2018, nine out of every ten customers awarded Critical Software a score of 8/10 or higher. Clients including the Data Communications Company, Siemens Rail Automation and the Portuguese Commercial Bank gave a maximum score of 10/10.

These results were especially impressive during a year of unprecedented growth, where the company expanded from around 400 employees to over 800.

Quality Director, Délio Almeida, said: “We’re really proud of these results, reflecting how we put quality and standards at the heart of everything we do. We work closely with our customers to really understand their goals, their culture and the way they operate. What we do is not just about the world-class technology and solutions we provide, but the way our people deliver them.”

The company also achieved a Net Promoter Score of +65. The Net Promoter Score ranges from -100 to +100, and a score of 0 is considered good. Scores over +50 are considered excellent, with +31 the industry average for the technology and IT sector.

Find out more about Critical Software’s quality promise.

Customer Satisfaction