
Critical Software and the BMW Group Join Forces to Form a New Joint Venture

June 18, 2018

Critical Software is expanding its strategic collaboration with premium mobility company, the BMW Group, to form a new joint venture called Critical TechWorks.

front of a BMW car

Critical Software is expanding its strategic collaboration with premium mobility company, the BMW Group, to form a new joint venture called Critical TechWorks.

The agreement will see both companies combine their expertise in automotive software engineering, focusing on areas relating to in-car systems and the digitalisation of corporate processes.

Gonçalo Quadros, CEO of Critical Software, said: “Critical TechWorks will build on our collective talent, expertise and interdisciplinary culture to deliver disruptive, game-changing innovations that will transform the future of the car. This agreement is a major milestone for Critical Software and strengthens our international standing in developing forward-thinking technologies for sectors like the automotive industry.”

Critical TechWorks will be based in Porto (HQ) and Lisbon, where it will become a new centre of technological excellence in Portugal. Areas of expertise will include artificial intelligence, data analytics, smart factories, customer ecosystems, vehicle connectivity and car sharing services.

The announcement comes at a time when Critical Software is celebrating 20 years of success, providing systems and software services for some of industries’ most important applications.

Joint venture