Independent Device Assurance and Validation Services

Critical works with customers in the energy sector to provide functionality evidence to validate their software, firmware and devices – including smart meters.

Our highly-skilled engineering teams work on complex problems requiring tailored solutions and guaranteed outcomes; it is this assurance from effective consultancy that our clients seek – and that we can provide.

Our experience dealing with critical systems means we are the perfect fit for tackling smart meter challenges. Not many are aware that the communications system associated with smart meters is considered Critical National Infrastructure. Our intimate knowledge in smart meter assurance and validation has allowed us to help the Data Communications Company (the UK’s network operator) to enhance its capability, essential in supporting the over 50m smart meters which will ultimately be installed in Great Britain. Our approach delivers results: we have received two Partnership Awards from DCC for consistently meeting and exceeding performance targets.  

Whilst the DCC operate the infrastructure, meter manufacturers and energy retailers should also make sure that gas and electricity meters respond correctly when communication is attempted. We help these companies develop firmware and provide interoperability solutions to ensure this happens.

We also provide pivotal input into the delivery of the Smart Meter Device Assurance (SMDA) test laboratory, allowing us to test the interoperability of smart meters, as well as assure and validate them. We run this capability for the benefit of the UK energy industry, ensuring smart energy devices act as expected - an important step for device suppliers and purchasers before a new device is installed and connected to the DCC network. In addition, we work with meter manufacturers providing highly-specialised help and support to develop and evolve their smart device offerings to the European market.


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We’ll be glad to help you on any subject we can.

If you wish to contact us, please fill in the form or send us an email at [email protected]